
How do I hide the freshchat widget on certain pages of my website?

  • 13 April 2021
  • 2 replies

This doesn’t work:

I get the following console error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined

2 replies

To hide the Freshchat widget on certain pages of your website, you can use JavaScript to dynamically control its visibility based on the page being loaded. Here's how you can achieve this:

Identify the Freshchat Widget Element:
First, identify the HTML element that represents the Freshchat widget on your website. Typically, it might be an iframe, a floating div, or another HTML element.

Add JavaScript Code:
In the <head> section of your HTML or in a separate JavaScript file, add the following code to control the visibility of the Freshchat widget based on the current page.

Copy code
    // Function to hide the Freshchat widget
    function hideFreshchatWidget() {
        // Replace 'widgetElementId' with the actual ID or selector of the Freshchat widget element
        var widgetElement = document.getElementById('widgetElementId');
        if (widgetElement) {
   = 'none';

    // Check the current page and decide whether to hide the widget
    window.onload = function() {
        var currentPage = window.location.pathname; // Get the current page's URL path
        // List of pages where you want to hide the Freshchat widget
        var pagesToHideWidget = [
            // Add more page URLs as needed
        if (pagesToHideWidget.includes(currentPage)) {
Adjust Element ID and Page URLs:
Replace 'widgetElementId' with the actual ID or selector of the HTML element representing the Freshchat widget on your site. Also, update the pagesToHideWidget array with the URLs of the pages where you want to hide the widget.

Include the Script:
Make sure to include this JavaScript code on all the pages of your website where you want to control the visibility of the Freshchat widget.

Remember that this solution hides the widget on the client-side using JavaScript. If you need more advanced control or if your pages use AJAX to load content dynamically, you might need to adapt the solution accordingly. Always test thoroughly to ensure that the widget's behavior is as expected on different pages of your website.

This doesn’t work:

I get the following console error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined

When you encounter the error on your website like  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined, it means that you're trying to access the init property/method of an object that hasn't been defined yet or is currently undefined.

Here are some steps to debug and resolve this issue:

  1. Check Your Scripts' Loading Sequence: If you're including multiple scripts on your web page, ensure that they are loaded in the correct order. For example, if you're using a library or module that provides the object containing the init method, make sure that this script is loaded before any script that tries to access the init method.

  2. Initialize Before Access: Ensure that the object you're trying to access has been initialized before you try to call its methods or access its properties.

  3. Use Browser DevTools:

    • Open your browser's developer console (usually by pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I or Cmd+Option+I on Mac).
    • Go to the "Sources" tab to review the loaded scripts.
    • You can place breakpoints in your code to pause execution. This can help you identify where the error occurs and inspect variable values at that point.
    • The console error should also give you a line number. Go to that line to see which object is causing the error.
  4. Use Console Logs: Place console.log statements before the line that's causing the error to log the status or value of variables. This can help you pinpoint where something becomes undefined.

  5. External Libraries/Plugins: If you're using an external library or plugin, ensure that it's properly imported or included in your project. Sometimes, the library might need some specific initialization steps or configurations.

  6. Typographical Errors: Ensure that there's no typo in your code. For example, if you have myObjectt.init(), but the correct variable name is myObject, it will throw an error.
