
Extra space lines after copy + paste

  • 14 September 2022
  • 2 replies


Hi there,


I keep getting weird space lines when that only shows up after I copy and paste but the break does not happen where I paste, sometimes a few words over.


I can tell it will happen when I paste it creates a weird gap and although I fix it by manually typing out the pasted word/sentence on the correct line, once I hit send it creates extra lines.


Any idea how to fix this?


2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Hello @Alecia.B,
Thank you for reaching out to Freshworks Community:) I hope you are doing well.
Regarding your concern, I understand that an extra space gets added when you copy and paste the content from a different source. This is because when you copy the content from an external source, there are chances that it might copy the HTML tags as well, which causes unwanted spacing to be added. To overcome this, you can use the clear formatting option to remove all the extra spaces. Adding an image here for your reference:



This will ideally remove all the extra spaces. Hope this information helps. If the issue persists, feel free to DM your Freshdesk Account URL and the image of the content where you are using it so I can further check this for you.
Feel free to drop in a note here for any concerns I’d be happy to help:)
Happy Freshdesking!!


Thank you :) @Juliana Rozario It was actually the “T” icon beside the “A” that reset the space for me!
