
How to calculate resolved/closed date from XML export?

  • 24 February 2023
  • 2 replies

I generated an XML export of All tickets, users etc. from the Freshdesk account, but there’s no resolved-at or closed-at field. How can I calculate it? I may assume that the updated-at is the closed/resolved date, but I doubt it is always the case as there’re some updates that can happen to the ticket even if it was closed a long time ago.
Does anyone have any advice on how to get those? This is a basic metric that is available via API, but how to extract it from XML file?

2 replies

Badge +1

HI may i suggest an easier way? Why not send all the data on Google Sheets and filter from there? 

Just curious if you have tried this. 


If you want any help in this process, happy to help @vspytsa , There is no charge to this. I have worked a lot with Google Sheets. Feel free to email me on

Userlevel 3
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Hi @vspytsa 

Good day to you. It can be captured via Automation API webhook on a text field and then can be extracted in the XML report

  1. Create Two text Fields - Resolved At and Closed At
  2. In Ticket Update Automation, Trigger is Status is Updated from Any to Resolved
    then trigger webhook, to update the Resolved At text field with the placeholder {{ticket.modified_on}} (more available here). Below SNIP FYR
  3. Repeat the same procedure for Closed At text field to fill the Modified date value on Status update from Any to Closed.

Hope this helps.
