If I were to hire a developer what...

  • 24 January 2017
  • 3 replies


We are a small company willing to use Freshdesk to handle our customers tickets.

there is another part of our company (our repair center) that gets some of our tickets (customer repair requests) and on their own system manage a repair for the info provided on the ticket.

We would like to hire someone that could develop an interface between freshdeks and our repair system (our system has a REST XML interface to interchange information) 

I know I have to find someone with REST XML knoweldge, but from the freshdesk part... what are the requirements? what's the language used in freshdesk and skills that this guy should know?


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3 replies

Could you give us a bit more detail on what the integration between Freshdesk and your repair system will look like? Based on that I can offer some suggestions on what to look for.

Hello; thanks for the reply


Our repair system is already running, it's an Oracle product. This system manages repairs with their unique id's, each repair contains customer data and repair information.


the idea is to manage customer inquiries from freshdesk; and transfer some of them to our repair system trough the XML interface


So basically what we need is a custom app that trough a button on a freshdesk ticket, transfer some of the ticket info (extracetd from the ticket fields) to our Oracle system, and get back from the Oracle the repair ID that matches one system ticket with the other.

the other procedure we need is that from time to time (or under request) freshdesk retrieves info about the reapir (comments, status, etc) from this Oracle (again trough xml interface)


I hope now is clearer.

Thanks for the detailed usecase.

This should not be a very difficult custom app to build. Custom apps require knowledge of JavaScript and the developer should have a bit of experience in dealing with APIs. As long as the developer, has these skills, building this app should be fairly straightforward. 

If the developer has any questions, please pass them on to us and we can help them.