
Out of Office Not Working

  • 5 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi All,


We have set up an automation like so to email customers who get in touch outside of business hours: 

But it is not sending. Is there anything else that needs to be done for these emails to be sent to the requester?


Many thanks,



1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

Hello there,


Thank you for reaching out to Freshworks Community. I hope you are doing well:)


I understand that, you have set up a Ticket creation Automation rule where you want to notify your customers by sending an email when they create a ticket during non-business hours.

 There are a few key points that you need to check while creating an Automation rule.

Please have a look at the below tips, which might help you:

  1. Rule Execution Type: If you check on the Ticket Activities page if the rule itself has not been triggered, you have to check

How rules are executed:

Rules that run on ticket creation can either run on every rule or just the first matching rule. The rules are set to work based on the first matching rule by default. 


Here's how the triggers work when you execute based on the first matching rule. The order of the rules is important because only the first matching rule will be executed. If you have straightforward workflows, we recommend choosing this option. 


Here's how the rules work when they run on every matching rule. If you'd like all matching rules to be executed on your tickets, click on the gear button above the rules list and then choose 'Execute all matching rules'. Click on Save.


That being said, in order to check whether the automation has triggered on that ticket, do check in the Ticket activities. If the rule itself is not triggered, you can check the rule execution type.


Here is a screenshot where you can find the Ticket Activities:




2. Line length Exceeded: If the rule has triggered, but the email notification has not been sent, then there is a possibility that the email content would have exceeded the line length. We have a limitation in our Editor. If the line is exceeded, the email will not be triggered. This can happen if improperly formatted content is present in the email sent. Instead of copy-pasting from an external source, you can please type out content.


If none of the above cases matches your issues, please DM the Automation ID and the full-page screenshot of the ticket to have this further checked.


I am looking forward to hearing from you:)
