Response Due / SLA

  • 17 November 2014
  • 1 reply

Our standard hours of business are 06:30 - 17:00 Mon-Fri.  We have an SLA of responding to the customer within 4 hours maximum (low priority) and 30 mins maximum (urgent).

If a ticket comes in late Friday afternoon, say 16:30, by the time the agents log back in on Monday morning, this is flagged as Response Due or Overdue, although actually the ticket has only been sitting in the helpdesk for about 30 working minutes.  This is not really fair on the agents on Monday mornings!

Is there any way to work around this?

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Userlevel 4
Badge +8


Have you setup the SLA on Business Hours? If yes, then it shouldn't be giving you Monday Morning violations. 

Let me convert this post into a ticket so that I can sort out the issue quickly. 
