View more than 30 unresolved tickets at once

  • 13 August 2019
  • 2 replies

Badge +2

How do I view more than 30 unresolved tickets at once?
I have tried adding &per_page=100 and ?per_page=100 at the end of the address line as per the API documentation however it will not work.

I see a LOT of other people asking for more than 30 tickets per view as well.
Why not just this in as a feature? It's not that hard...
We need this!

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2 replies

Badge +7

Hello Jono,

Thank you for the suggestion. Right now, we don't have a way to do this, but we do have plans for the same. 

Unfortunately, I won't be able to provide an ETA for this feature, but it is something we're planning to work on. 

I was able to get more than 30 unresolved tickets by using the following query, incrementing the page number as needed.  The query is all IDs for statuses I consider "open", so everything that isn't Closed or Resolved."status:2 OR status:3 OR status:10 OR status:11 OR status:12 OR status:14 OR status:15 OR status:16 OR status:17 OR status:18 OR status:19 OR status:20 OR status:21 OR status:22"&page=1

 This endpoint doesn't paginate like the other ones (no 'link' header), and you can only go up to page=10, but this is at max 100 unresolved tickets.  You could play with the search query to get more tickets to be returned.