
Workflow Automator Add "Any" Watcher

  • 8 November 2021
  • 1 reply

I couldn’t find a description for this option the workflow automation solutions.

For the “Add Watcher/s” interaction, the bottom option is “Any”. How does “Any” decide what agent to add as a Watcher?


(I’m actually looking to set up a workflow to add any agent who responds to a ticket as a Watcher, or ideally only certain types/groups of agents, so if there’s any answers for that I’d appreciate those as well. I saw a thread from years ago that mentioned setting up a webhook, but I’m not sure what the configuration would be)

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Hey @KZawodniak,

Could you please clarify where exactly do you see the ‘Any’ option?

As far as the Freshdesk automation option to ‘Add a watcher’ is concerned, we do not have an ‘Any’ option. And neither does the one in the ticket details page have the ‘Any’ option.

Would you kindly shed more light on your query for us to take this further?


