
How to achieve faster time-to-value with Freshservice? | Join us for the 'How-To' Series on Freshservice

  • 19 May 2021
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How to achieve faster time-to-value with Freshservice? | Join us for the 'How-To' Series on Freshservice
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​According to the latest report on ITSM in 2021 and beyond, when asked what the main area their service desk would be focusing on in 2021, the largest proportion of respondents specified they will be focusing on automation of processes, tasks, and ticket handling. Some of the biggest trends are around Chatbots and Virtual Agents, as specified by 44% of respondents, and self-service, as specified by 42% of respondents.

This clearly indicates that a service management solution for the modern enterprise needs to be intuitive, intelligent, and extensible. It needs to deliver an end-to-end consumer-grade employee experience and automate tasks and embed artificial intelligence into the entire service delivery process thereby helping IT agents take on more complex higher-value work. It also needs to be extensible and power integrations and workflows at an enterprise scale to deliver efficiency and quick returns.

Freshservice is an intelligent, right-sized service management solution for the modern enterprise. It delivers exceptional employee experiences that delight your employees with an intuitive, intelligent, no-code solution helping businesses of all sizes achieve efficiency, effectiveness, and greater ROI.

How can you achieve faster time-to-value with all the challenges that your business faces today?

Join us every Thursday, starting May 20, 2021, for the [How To:] series on Freshservice to learn in-depth about our key product capabilities that can help you move from primitive and manual methods of ITSM to modern methods of ITSM.

Check this space every week for more details on upcoming episode.

We’re looking forward to hearing your learnings, experiences, and suggestions from this series.

Save your spot now!


Episode 1: How to: Manage your asset lifecycle within Freshservice


As a Procurement Manager, the biggest hurdle that one faces is establishing a streamlined purchasing process.

Referring to multiple sources of information to raise a purchase order, updating spreadsheets manually to keep a track of asset utilisation, creating purchase orders in a different tool and struggling to keep a track of the received items in another, can only lead to process delays, discrepancies in auditing, underutilisation of your resources and inefficiency in the process.

With our integrated purchase order management, skip the spreadsheets and manage your purchases end-to-end from procuring assets to co-ordinating approvals right within Freshservice. Procurement managers can create purchase orders to be sent out to vendors and manage approvals by bringing all key stakeholders on a single page.

Join us in this webinar for:
1) A detailed demo of the purchase order management module
2) A walkthrough of how you can use purchase orders in tandem with asset management and incident management modules.
3) And, an open forum to ask your questions to our product experts.

Presenter: Ramsundar Radhakrishnan, Product Marketer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, May 20, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST



Episode 2: How to: Supercharge your New Employee Onboarding in Freshservice


Having an efficient onboarding process is to do more with new employee experience than the teams enabling the process. While digitization does the part of bringing different teams together, it also adds to the complexity of many IT processes set in place, leaving us to come up with solutions that are more employee first & teams centric in nature. With our IT service management solution extending its capabilities to other business functions, we bring together the HR & IT to give your new employees a highly productive and refreshing start in their onboarding journey.

In this video we will see how we make it easy through our IT service management platform, Freshservice, the entire process of employee onboarding by bringing in HR & IT together thereby giving a great moment that matters experience to the new talent pool.

Presenter: Nishant Arora: Product Marketer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, May 27, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST



Episode 3: How to: Simplify Alert Management using your IT service desk


The health of your IT infrastructure and the efficiency of your IT service desk are but two sides of a coin. Why incur an additional cost by investing in two separate tools, and then expend extra effort integrating them?

FreshService is a modern and intelligent service management platform with an integrated Alert Management System (AMS). The Freshservice AMS triages information from multiple tools, automatically groups alert to suppress noise, and offers contextual incident creation to act upon. This enables enterprises to ensure business continuity, reduce risk, and cut cost – without spending an extra dollar!

Join us in this webinar to get a feel of the low code/no code FreshService ITSM platform and see the AMS in action.

Presenter: Naganandhini Ramasubramaniyan, Product Manager, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, June 3, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 4: How to: Unlock IT Efficiency with Freshservice Orchestration Center


The service desk is a hub for requests that require actions in a number of 3rd party systems. Some of the most commonly received requests include password resets, user provisioning/de-provisioning, VM provisioning and so on. Orchestration helps IT to automate, streamline and optimize frequent, repeatable processes in order to ensure accurate, speedier delivery of services.

Freshservice’s Orchestration Center serves as your one-stop solution for all your automation and integration needs by combining the use of Freshservice’s easy to use workflow automator along with 3rd party app actions that can be integrated with these workflows.

In this video you will receive:
1) A walkthrough of Orchestration and Orchestration Center in Freshservice
2) A walkthrough of Orchestration Server (OSR) - An agent that is installed on the Private network of a customer that allows Freshservice to orchestrate/automate actions on applications and infrastructure that are hosted on the customers' private network using Orchestration Centre.

Presenter: Berkeley Thomas Vogelheim, Solution Engineer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, June 10, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 5: How to: Improve Agent Productivity & Efficiency


Every customer wants a quick solution to their IT problems. Organisations are looking for different ways to improve the efficiency of their IT services and enhance their customer satisfaction. They aim to reduce their first response time to any ticket and decrease the ticket resolution time. Increasing agent productivity has become one of the topmost priorities for organisations today.

Through our AI/ML-based features in Freshservice, we are empowering our customers to achieve this goal and to help them better serve their customers.

Join us in this interactive session to learn more about how Freshservice is helping customers boost their agent productivity and efficiency through features based on predictive intelligence.

Presenter: Chad Haftorson, Senior Director, Product Management, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, June 17, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 6: How to: Automate Major Incident Management with Freshservice


With Orchestration center, unlock IT efficiency with powerful automation and get things done not just within your service desk, but across the tools you use!

Excited? Join us in our webinar where we will show you our orchestration center at play with Slack, Zoom and Okta!

In this webinar, you get to know how to automate:

1) User Provisioning at the time of onboarding.
2) Automated actions on collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
3) Auto remediation of incidents/alerts
4) Automated service request fulfilment.

Presenter: Ramsundar Radhakrishnan, Product Marketer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, June 24, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 7: How to: Manage your SaaS Estate sans Spreadsheets and Silos


Why SaaS Management?
Most organizations today are slowly transitioning into a SaaS-based environment from on-prem solutions. Despite a huge uptick in the usage of SaaS applications IT teams are oftentimes finding it challenging to get complete visibility of their SaaS usage in a holistic manner.

What does Freshservice offer?
With our SaaS Management solution, get a 360° view of your SaaS estate and optimize usage with insight-driven actions right within Fresheservice. You can:
1) Increase Visibility: Discover SaaS applications right within Freshservice using integrations with leading SaaS applications and identity providers.
2) Track and Analyse Usage: Understand who is using what and how they are using it with deep usage insights.
3) Optimize Usage and Reduce Spend: Deprovision and downgrade inactive users to cut down SaaS spend using our insights.
4) Renew Intelligently: Right-size your SaaS subscriptions by staying on top of your renewals and usage data.

Why attend?
In this live webinar, we will be giving you:
1) A walkthrough of how to setup SaaS Management
2) A detailed demo of how you can optimize usage post discovering your applications
3) And, an open forum to ask your questions to our product experts

Presenter: Neharika Sundar, Product Marketer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, July 1, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 8: How to: Improve the efficiency of IT teams with Freshservice New-gen Project Management


According to Mckinsey, Large IT projects run 7% over time and deliver 56% less value than what is predicted from them.

Today ITSM and project management tools are siloed with a broken integration, and most project management tools available in the market are not optimized for the new world of agility and modern DevOps practices.

Freshservice's new-gen project management will bring your service and project management teams together so that they can collaborate and execute both project and service management activities from a single platform.

Join us in this interactive session to get:
1) A detailed demo of the new-gen project management module
2) A walkthrough of how you can use project management in tandem with ITIL (Ticket, Problem, Change, and Asset) modules of Freshservice
3) And, an open forum to ask your questions to our product expert

Presenter: Vishal Nema, Product Marketer, Freshservice

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, July 8, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 9: How to: Use AI and delight your employees with Freshservice Virtual Agent


Your employees have a lot of questions for your IT Teams. From questions around their licenses and access to different tools and other IT issues that they encounter. Is your IT team struggling to meet the SLAs and resolve these IT issues which are pouring in via a plethora of channels like e-mail and ad-hoc chat messages?

Join us for this talk on how Freshservice Virtual Agent can help you tackle these challenges and provide round the clock support and delight your employees through a unified experience within Microsoft Teams.

1) See how to quickly configure and integrate Freshservice Virtual Agent on Microsoft Teams
2) Discover how to effectively use Freshservice Virtual Agent and provide conversational support to your employees
3) Learn how to use Freshservice Virtual Agent to deflect IT tickets and relieve your IT agents from mundane and repetitive tasks to boost their productivity

Presenter: Deepthi Nagarajan, Product Marketer, Freshservice

Joining Details:

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, July 15, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST


Episode 10: How to: Use AI and delight your employees with Freshservice Virtual Agent


You need intelligent reporting capabilities from your service desk to make accurate decisions. Decision making becomes easier and effective when it is backed by right data provided at the right time and in a consumable form. By having access to the right information, you can improve both the efficiency of operations and effectiveness of service delivery.
Join us on this talk to

  • learn how Freshservice advanced analytics feature can help you stay on top of your service desk metrics and make better and quicker decisions every day.
  • learn how to Ask Freddy, our AI-based bot, to get quick insights
  • learn how to create, schedule and manage your metrics and dashboards

Presenter: Nishant Arora, Sr. Manager - Product Marketing, Freshworks

Joining Details:

:calendar_spiral:  Thursday, July 29, 2021

:clock9:  9:00 AM PT/ 9:30 PM IST



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