Freshservice Release Notes - 13th May 2021

Related products: Freshservice


Note: All the enhancements below are live in Blossom, Starter, Garden and Growth plans.

Set Business Rules for Change Forms: Unlock additional customization options in your change process by bringing dynamic capabilities to change forms using business rules. You can now show/hide, enable/disable, mandate/non-mandate field(s) in the change forms to fit your business needs.


Bulk Add Choices to dropdown: Add multiple choices to a dropdown at once without the need to add them one by one. The choices can be added by copying the required choices to the text area from a notepad or CSV file.
Note: The enhancement is supported for all modules except Asset Type and Fields.



Sending Survey Email for Nth Ticket Configuration:  Get better feedback as you can now regulate the survey options for emails sent after a ticket is "Closed" or “Resolved”.


Track Alert status changes with Activities:  Alert Logs now feature a third tab – Activities. Use it for auditing the progression of an alert over its lifecycle. Each status change is now tagged with a timestamp and a view into what or who initiated the change.



Requested item add as an event: This feature enables to fire off a workflow when any requested item is added to an existing ticket.


JSON Parser Node for automators: Parse any JSON payload within the context of the workflow and use the outputs within subsequent conditions and actions with the help of the new Parser node for workflows. You can use these right away to work with JSON outputs from app actions that get custom attributes from G Suite, Okta and Jira.
Looking ahead, you will also be able to use this to work with outputs from the upcoming Powershell Orchestration App and also use it to parse API responses from the upcoming Web Request Node.




Multiline support for Business Objects (Paragraph Fields) in Custom Objects: 

Introducing Paragraph fields for Custom objects to store large bodies of text such as URLs, AD Organizational unit mappings, Guidelines/Instructions, which can then be referenced in automations.

Note: Paragraph fields cannot be used as filters in the Reader node.



Security Updates:

Discovery Tools - Registration key enhancements:We have introduced changes to how the Registration Keys are handled when installing the Discover Agents and Probes. All existing Discovery Agent and Probe installations will continue to work.

Action needed on June 01 2021: The Discovery Agent and Probe install files downloaded before 01 June 2021 0600 Hrs UTC will not work from 01 June 2021 onwards. For any new installation of the Agent or the Probe, please downloaded a new install file from Admin -> Discovery -> Agent/Probe. This new file can then be reused without any issues.

Deprecating support for Discovery Probe v4.3.0 and other older versions. 
Support for Discovery Probe version 4.3.0 and lower will be discontinued from 01 July 2021. The current version of Discovery Probe is 4.6.0. Please ensure that all your Probe installations are updated to the latest Discovery Probe version.

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