Freshdesk Release notes [August to September 2021]

Related products: Freshdesk

General Bug Fixes:

  1. Admins were unable to delete a custom survey, and this is fixed now.

  2. SSL activation email was sent to customers even when the request for certification failed. This is resolved now.

  3. Agent shift settings couldn’t be turned off by an admin with occasional agent access and this is fixed now.

  4. Forum moderation emails from sandbox accounts weren’t formatted properly. This is fixed.

  5. Admins weren’t able to update groups that had custom business hours. This is resolved now

  6. Ticket replies were randomly stripped when delivered to customers and this is fixed now. 

  7. The solution articles contained links with irrelevant portal name in accounts with multi portals. This is fixed now.

  8. Ticket functionalities werent displayed in the Roles page and it is visible now.

  9. Agents were unable to upload images to articles. This is resolved now.

  10. Agent reply to a forwarded email was added as a private note in the ticket instead of reply. This is fixed.

  11. When a contact’s language was Latvian, then the contact’s language was set to the default helpdesk language. This is fixed.

  12. Thread counts were updated only after refreshing the page manually. This is fixed.

  13. Conversation API returned wrong customer name and wrong company properties. This is resolved now.

  14. Even after the custom roles were deleted, system still showed that the agents were associated to the deleted custom role. This is resolved now.

  15. When integrated with Zapier, a few Freshdesk tickets field values were not populated in Zapier. This is fixed now.

  16. Next response due did not get updated correctly when the agent manually edited the resolution due. This is fixed now.

  17. Scroll bar did not work in the ticket list view page. This is fixed now.

  18. When an email was sent with multiple support email addresses in the recipient list, system did not create multiple tickets as it should. Instead it created duplicated tickets of one single email. This is resolved.

  19. Escalation emails were not triggered when SLA was breached. This is fixed now.

  20. When agent forwarded emails to be created as ticket, the email was parsed and not formatted properly. This is fixed now.

  21. When a public/private note was added with the phrase 'I have attached', an error was thrown. This is fixed now.
