New integrations (Parent-Child time tracker, Ameyor4, Kaleyra CTI, Reassign Previous Agent, Read Receipts), fixed issues with ticket update API, ticket detail page, searching contacts, deleting nested ticket fields and archived tickets, widget rearra

Related products: Freshdesk

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed bug: Agent replies in blue

The agent response and the customer response were both shown in the same colored (blue) background on the ticket details page for many accounts. This is fixed and the agent and customer responses are grey and blue respectively.

  1. Fixed bug: Contact search wasn’t working some pages

Searching by contacts wasn’t working on the contacts page and on the ticket list page for some accounts. This is fixed.

  1. Fixed bug: Unable to delete nested ticket field

Agents were unable to delete nested ticket fields in some accounts. This is fixed.

  1. Fixed bug: Unable to rearrange widgets in the custom dashboard

Admins were unable to rearrange widgets on the custom dashboard. This is fixed.

  1. Fixed bug: Deleting archived tickets throws an error

Agents would see an error when they tried to delete an archived ticket. This is fixed.

  1. Fixed bug: Ticket update API was failing

The ticket update API was failing for accounts which had the same ticket field in more than one section. This is fixed.

Marketplace apps

  1. Parent-Child time tracker: Move all time logs from child tickets/service tasks to their respective parent tickets. This could be used for tracking all the agent's progress and for report generation. However, copying the time entries will result in their deletion from the child tickets.

  2. Ameyor4: Connect with their customers and serve them for sales, customer services and marketing. Ameyo can be easily accessed to place and receive calls.

  3. Kaleyra CTI: Call your prospects and customers directly from Freshdesk.

  4. Reassign Previous Agent: If a ticket comes in and the agent working on it decides to assign it to another agent. The new agent may then later find the need to reassign the ticket back to the previously assigned agent, which can be done easily with the app.

  5. Read Receipts: This app triggers a read receipt when your email is opened & allows tagging of unread Freshdesk tickets.


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