Release notes - 18 July 2018. Quick actions fixes and more.

Related products: Freshdesk

Quick actions fixes (Mint)

You can now exit the quick actions menu by pressing the Esc key. This will make it easier for you to type just slash when you're responding to your customers.

Solution article results in quick actions will be restricted to four. Earlier, if you had lots of articles, the menu listed all of them, rendering the option unusable. 

When inserting solution articles through quick actions, the translated version will be inserted based on the contact's language, instead of the one that is in the account language getting inserted.

When an email address is removed from CC, it stayed on in the thread and had to be removed every time (Mint)
This is now fixed.

Add notes with just attachments

You can now add a note with no text, and just attachments in Mint. When you forget to attach files and want to just add a blank note with an attachment, this would be useful.

Non-english support in quoted text
When someone sends an email that's not in English, the quoted text was not identified. This is now supported.

Attachments in draft solution article can now be removed

When you delete an attachment in a draft solution article and try to save it again, the attachment doesn't get removed. This is now fixed.

The 'active since' time (ticket assignment details in dashboard) does not work when the agent turns off ticket assignment from Mint and turns it back on (Mint)

This is now fixed.

When solution articles containing a symbol like '&&' are created, '&&' is encoded to its character reference (amp). Opening and closing the code editor multiple times replaces the '&' again.
This is now fixed.

Admin > Edit role > Add agents modal was a little broken.

This is fixed. 

Scrolling down the forums page sometimes caused distortion in the page.

This is now fixed.

An agent who has been removed from the account admin role continued to receive notifications when an agent is deleted or added etc. 
This will no longer happen.

When you edit the time logged in a ticket after an app that used the interface API has added time, the value added by you wasn't preserved.

This is fixed.

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