Hide Date on Articles

  • 1 July 2019
  • 4 replies

Does anyone know if there is a way to hide the "Modified On" that automatically shows up under the titles of Knowledge Base articles?

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4 replies

I haven't tried it and am pretty bad with the Liquid syntax but if you have ability to edit your HTML then you could try making a conditional statement in Liquid like:

{% if portal.user.user_role ==  "Agent"

<div id = "ModifiedOn">

      <p>{% translate portal.article.modified_on %} {{ article.modified_on | short_day_with_time }}</p>


{% else %}

<!--display something else if user is not agent -->

{% endif %}

User access info for Liquid is all here:


Is there a way to make 'Modified on' only viewable to agents and not the customer?

This worked for me, thank you!

Hi Anja,

It'll depend on what plan you're on but basically you'll need to customise the HTML in your portal.

In Admin, go to Portal. Click on Customise Portal, Layout & Pages then Portal Pages. Choose "Article View".

From here you can edit the information on this page in the portal


In your case, deleting Line 17 would probably do it.