Hello Patrick,
Looks like you're sending the BASE 64 encoded value of the credentials but I could see that you've included
at the end of the value. The complete string of APIKEY:X has to be converted into BASE64 format and not the API KEY alone.
You can make use of the Authorization tab wherein you can choose the type as BASIC Auth and enter the user name and password , which will be automatically converted to BASE64 in the request by POSTMAN.
Hi Aravind, I am also struggling to get this to work. My Postman setup is working fine with other APIs. But however I try to use API login (using the Authorization tab as you recommend) and all I get is:
"code": "invalid_credentials",
"message": "You have to be logged in to perform this action."
I'm also trying the CURL command and I get the same results "Invalid Credentials"
I've been trying it with our API key:X (even resetting my API key) OR the username:password combination. And in BASE64. Still does not work - any suggestions?
Hello Adam,
I'll have this converted into a support ticket. It will help us to troubleshoot the case effectively.
Update :
The endpoint in the URL has to be your helpdesk url : ie.yourcompanyname.freshdesk.com . It wouldn't work if you're trying to hit domain.freshdesk.com
Adam/Patrick, did the solution above work for you two? I'm running in to similar issues...
I'm having the same problem here.
Where does the api-key need to added,? As a query parameter or in the url?

it seems to be a bit different.
You need to use basic authentication but with the api-key as username and an X as password.

This worked for me.
Al the best and I hope it works for you.