Anyone else having problems with the search function?

  • 16 February 2016
  • 6 replies

My users are reporting that the search function is frequently slow and unresponsive, which is hurting their productivity. Are others having similar problems?

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6 replies

For me it seems to get worse week after week. Especially searching by email. Also the canned responses window is often slow to respond. And merge tickets as well, I'd say about 40% of the time it won't offer up results for merging tickets or it is very slow, 30+ seconds to return results. 

I have bene told multiple times by support it is an isolated issue, i.e. it's me. 

My search is not working at all :-(

Really need more people to speak up to get this problem addressed. I keep filing tickets and being told it is browser, my internet connection, etc. 

When I reported this problem it turned out to be some sort of cloud hosting problem which affected only a subset of customers. It could be the same thing is happening to you. Maybe mention that and see what they come back with.


We have been having this issue with the search box in the freshdesk for more than a year.

We have even created an alternative to help us in the searching of the tickets in frehsdesk.


We have recently improved our search in Freshdesk. Could you please let me know if you are still facing any issues with regards to search? 
