Hi there, can I just simply put a value from the Customer custom field in Portal / Discussions pages.
I mean something like this
{{ topic.user | profile_image }}
{{ topic.user | custom_field == "fieldName" }}
How to set it up ?
- Create a custom user field with the portal values in a dropdown field. Import users with the values respectively using the csv import option
- Navigate to Admin -> Portals -> Settings -> Customise portal -> Portal pages(select the product portal) -> Portal home and then restrict the access based on the custom field value ( Refer Dynamic placeholders for the placeholder information )
Sample code :
{% if portal.user.custom_field == "portal1" %}
alert("you are not allowed to access this page")
{% end if %}
Hey Barbara,
Firstly, sorry for the incredibly late response to this post of yours. Totally our bad and we are currently working on improving our presence on the community.
But I believe you've been getting pretty good support from our agents on chat and on tickets. Trust me, we really look forward to seeing you on Chat, everyday :)
I wanted to confirm whether the question you've posted on this forum has already been answered or you're still figuring out a way around this.
Please do let me know and I would be really glad to do the best I can, for you.