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How do I use Freshdesk for proactive customer correspondence?

  • 16 September 2013
  • 11 replies

The uttermost purpose of a help desk like Freshdesk is to ease the reactive correspondence with a customer, that is awaiting for customers to send in support tickets. Sometimes I need to contact a certain customer proactively, and I feel like I'm not quite sure the best way to do so using Freshdesk. By creating a new ticket in the requestors name, an email will be sent which states that he/she created a new ticket and will likely confuse the customer (or in my case, they won't retrieve anything at all since I have turned off the new ticket email notification for customers). What I think I'm looking for is a way for me, the agent, to be the requestor, and the customer to be in some sort of agent role. 

Any ideas?
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11 replies

Is there any progress on this requirement? Proactive support is a very important part of our business. The idea is to create a ticket, and have that send a message to the customer.

I have long used this with other help desk solutions. It is a major gap in FreshDesk functionality.

Userlevel 4
Badge +8


I personally feel that having the option to send out emails proactively is pretty imperative for any helpdesk solution. 

Our team feels so too and this is why we started working on a "Compose Email" option and this is currently in its final stages of development. 

I am not in a position to promise an ETA because this is yet to go through our testing phase. But, please be assured that we are actively working on getting this out. 


Compose email is a must have! Hope it will be there asap! Let me know!


Keep us informed!
This is a must-have and should have been the basics of this ticketsystem from the start on.

I'd love to (beta) test it.


Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hello folks,

I know you guys have been waiting for a while and I thought helping you with the compose email FreshPlug at this instance will really make you happy. So, here are the steps -> 

This FreshPlug will give you a "Compose Email" button in the contacts page using which a ticket can be created and an email will be sent to the customers using a Dispatch'r. There are a couple of things that are to be done before the New freshPlug is actually placed and they are,

Create a custom Type named as "New Email" under "Type" ticket field

Create a "Dispatch'r" rule as attached in the screenshot and note that the created rule should be placed on top.

Use the FreshPlug code in the "Compose Email" (refer to the attachment) and create a FreshPlug under Admin -> FreshPlug and make it to available in the "Contacts" page.

That should help you achieve the scenario stated above. Feel free to let us know your feedbacks and suggestions. That will really help. 




Before I proceed with this, I need to know if your solution is better than what I have already set up..

Can you:

1) attach files?

2) cc other addresses?

It seems to work quite nicely actually,  but no you cant add canned messages,  or files or cc,  so it needs a bit of work i feel

but better than what was there for sure

This is not working for us.

When I create a ticket (email). The customer receives the "thank you for creating a ticket" default emal and nog the email created.
I just want to send out an email. The customer does not need to receive the thank you for creating a ticket notice ofcourse.

Dennis,  i agree that doesnt look good,  and as they actually didnt create the email totally unnecessary

Any progress here?

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hello everyone,

Sad that this thread caught my eye so late that I'm updating this now. I believe you would have already been aware of the outbound E-Mail feature that was rolled out months back. If not, please follow this link to get more insights on the same :
