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We have an Automation setup that on replies to closed tickets it reopens said ticket. 

I’m looking to understand if there is a way to introduce a time limit to this automation, for example, ticket is marked as closed/resolved, customer replies and its outside a 10day window. The ticket should not auto reopen, instead a new ticket is created. However if the client responds within the 10day window the ticket will reopen and be managed accordingly. 


Sure thing.

Within the same automations, you have hours since **

You should have available Hours since closed, and that will allow you to specify how many hours have been elapses since the ticket is closed.

For your use case, 240 hours would do it.


Hope this helps.




Thanks @eeha0120 would you mind providing a screenshot of this as I’m either being blind or stupid but cannot see an option like that on our system. I’m not sure if this might be a subscription level based feature which might explain it.   

Hi @MR84 


Greetings from Freshworks Community. :)

We understand your requirement to have a new ticket created when a customer response is sent to a ticket that was closed after a specific time period. To achieve this we will have to first set up an automation under Time Triggers to add a Tag to a ticket after XX days from closure and then set up a Ticket update automation with the condition ticket contains the Tag. Have detailed the steps to achieve the same,


1. Under Time triggers (Admin> Workflows > Automation) set up a new automation rule with conditions hours since closed is greater than 375 and another condition with hours since closed is less than 377 to have a new tag added. In this example I have given "15days" you can choose any tag value as required. Please note that Time trigger automation would work on the last 30 days created/updated tickets only.

2. Under ticket update automation, Automatically reopen tickets when the customer responds, you can add a condition to not include the tag as 15days so that tickets will get reopened accordingly. Similarly, you can set up another ticket updates automation rule to create a new ticket when a customer responds on closed tickets with the tag 15days. Adding a sample screenshot of the automation webhook confgured, make sure to add the condition tag contains 15days in this rule:


Kindly refer to the documentation link to get detailed insights on the webhook trigger: 


To get the API key, navigate to the profile icon on the top right of the screen > Profile settings. The URL would be in the form of

Sample webhook payload:

"email": "{{ticket.from_email}}",
"description": "{{ticket.latest_public_comment}}",
"subject": "{{ticket.subject}}",
"status": 2,  
"priority": 1,


For your usecase, the timeframe has to be adjusted as per your requirements. There is also another option in automation rule action to create new ticket, applicable only for email, portal and phone: 


Let us know if this helps. 



Prevent re-opening of tickets | Freshworks Community
