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I try to use 2 specific email address to create tickets in Freshdesk.

The first email address must create ticket assigned to group “A” and the second email address must create ticket assigned to group “B” but then 2 email address create ticket in group “A”


you probably have to create an automation on ticket creation where the ticket for “to email” address as A email or B email then assign to the group you want



Hi @zefred,

Welcome to Freshworks community. To ensure I address your inquiry accurately, could you please confirm whether you have set up a forwarding rule or if you are using a custom mail server?

If you are using forwarding , Please make sure the long forwarding address of Support email B is used to setup forwarding so that emails sent to Support address B gets forwarded to the long forwarding of B whcih would create a ticket and the group assignment would happen for group B.

Using the long forwarding address of A for Support email B's forwarding rule could result in tickets being assigned to Group A instead of Group B, as the ticket would be routed based on the forwarding address.

I hope this clarifies, please revert back if you have further questions on this.



Yusuf Ahmed

Group assignments based on email can streamline communication and task delegation. For a platform like All In Home Vista, organizing teams by email domains or project roles ensures efficiency. This approach is particularly valuable in industries like Home Improvement projects, ensuring quality craftsmanship, innovative solutions, and customer satisfaction for renovations, repairs, and enhancements tailored to every home.
