Did you know that your bots can now read minds?

Related products: Freshchat

Not literally, but with the latest upgrade to Freshchat, we are proud to be rolling out the new and improved Intent detection with Natural Language capabilities. The new Intents feature vastly improves your chatbots built using the unified bot builder from Freshchat.



Speed up customer service, provide them with more accurate answers, and speed up customer service, provide them with more accurate answers, and get their queries addressed with the best possible outcome.


  • The Intents feature is available as part of all new sign-ups in Freshchat.

If you want to check out Intents in your account, contact your CSM, TAM, or the Support team via support@freshchat.com, and we’ll upgrade your account within 3 to 5 business days.

Please note that Intent Detection will be incompatible with the older custom bots or answer bots.

Learn more about Intents here

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