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New scrolling "feature" in notes and answers causes problems

  • 9 December 2021
  • 13 replies

We have noticed that in the last couple of days there was somewhat of a feature added into Freshdesk. You can now scroll inside of a single answer or note. I’ve attached a Screenshot to clarify what I mean. I don’t mean to be rude but this is incredibly annoying and causes a lot of frustration, because when you open one of your tickets and want to scroll down or up and have the mouse cursor positioned somewhere in the middle, it sometimes gets “stuck” scrolling in the answer and not the complete Ticket. You then have to position your mouse cursor just between the answers and the Ticketdetails to be able to scroll. Everyone who works with our Ticketportal has already complained about this.

Please please disable this or give us the option to enable/disable this!

Hello @JoshBr,


We totally understand your predicament with the scroll feature you see in ticket description/ conversations. This has been acknowledged as an issue at our end and we will keep you posted with updates once this is fixed. Appreciate your time and understanding in the meantime! 


Thank you,

We have noticed that in the last couple of days there was somewhat of a feature added into Freshdesk. You can now scroll inside of a single answer or note. I’ve attached a Screenshot to clarify what I mean. I don’t mean to be rude but this is incredibly annoying and causes a lot of frustration, because when you open one of your tickets and want to scroll down or up and have the mouse cursor positioned somewhere in the middle, it sometimes gets “stuck” scrolling in the answer and not the complete Ticket. You then have to position your mouse cursor just between the answers and the Ticketdetails to be able to scroll. Everyone who works with our Ticketportal has already complained about this.

Please please disable this or give us the option to enable/disable this!

Completely agree! Hate this new features!

Yes please fix asap, this is horrible and makes it very hard to use. Revert this change thanks

Definitely, we will keep you posted once the fix is rolled out, @Ben_HLS & @johnnowildon.

Thank you,  

Must agree.  If this is a new “feature” the UI/UX person that approved it might want to re-think their career choice.  No one in their right mind would have asked for this. 

I hope it’s just a bug that can be fixed quickly… PLEASE!!!

On top of the new scroll bars, I have discovered that it is even possible to scroll notes out of view with your mouse wheel even when no scroll bar is visible making notes completely invisible.  Please fix this ASAP or at least give us a workaround so we do not miss important notes from our customers!!!!! 


Also agree. This is causing us to misread requests, which results in incomplete and insufficient support. Unbelievable how this can get through without proper testing, or at least checking with us if we want this!!

Please remove this unnessecary bug!

Absolutely agreed, @TrentMuldrow & @ademeijer.

The fix for this issue is currently in testing phase, we will keep you posted once it is deployed. Thank you! 

Any updates here?

We are yet to receive an update from the technical team, @TrentMuldrow. We will surely keep you posted as soon as we hear back from them, appreciate your cooperation with us. Thank you! 

More than a month has passed since this issue was first reported. This bug isn’t a first-day issue, it was recently added. How can it be that something that seems so small an issue can’t be resolved in time? Has this something to do with priority? 

Or is it simply that the technical team can’t backtrack what they implemented and therefor are having issues finding the bug? What I want to say is that you guys wouldn’t be the first software developer that has this issue, it’s not great, but at least be transparent to your users/clients so they know what is up.

It took Blizzard a month to come up with a proper answer to the server issues for D2R, please don’t be like Blizzard

Apologies for the delay in response, folks.

The issue with the scroll feature in ticket description/ conversations has already been fixed. Feel free to reach back to us in case the issue still persists and we would be there to help! 


Thank you,

Good to hear! Thanks for getting back to us

Anytime, @ademeijer. :)

