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I am trying to create a graph to show bookings of loaner devices over a period of time. I’m trying to group by the loan date. At the moment I have only been able to group by the requested date which could be several weeks in advance. 


Can anyone advise what i need to change to get this for loan date. I think i need to update something in the filters to get an option for me to select the group by dates



@Dan Udell Would grouping by ‘Resolved Date’ help in this case? I assume that the date on which the ticket was resolved is the same date as on which the loan was provided.

Hi Amrit

An interesting way to think about it. Unfortunately the resolved date is usually the date that the laptop is returned and not always the date it was booked until. We have to keep tickets open until returned as users are not brilliant at bringing them back to us in IT. Having the open ticket assigned to one of the agents is useful as they will chase the user to return them if not returned on time

