We recently discovered that our older tickets are now categorized as "archived." None of us had any idea this was coming. I'm not sure if FD gave us a heads up and we just missed it, or what. We do get a lot of mail from FD.
Anyway, we'd really like to get some info on what exactly this means for our ticket database. It would be great if someone could point me towards an article or something.
One thing I've noticed is that now when we do tag searches, our older tickets don't appear in the results anymore, which is a problem for us. Also, we recently added a "Type" field to our tickets, so now we need to retroactively set the type for all tickets that used to use a specific tag that is now covered by a type. But unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to apply bulk actions to archived tickets, which is also a problem.
I'm just wondering if there is any solution for us.