Automatization rules - need help

  • 12 December 2019
  • 2 replies

I have a rule like below. So when the ticket is created, and I choose an IKEA it should set the address. Can you tell me why it doesn't work?


2 replies

Hello there,

As Mark mentioned, if the typ field is not set during ticket creation, you can make use of time trigger rule. Since the rule runs every one hour you need to make sure that the rule runs only once and not for the consecutive hours. We'd require the complete use case to help out in setting up the rule.

Kindly write to us at and one of our folks will help you out on this.


Badge +7

My Polish is not great, but I think the following applies:

This rule is set in the tab "Ticket creation", so once when the ticket is received.

You are performing an action based on the field "Typ". How is this field filled? Is it always filled as part of ticket creation, or is it filled later (or by a rule)? I think this is a timing problem.

One way you could try is to add a rule in the second tab (Time triggers). Then you could create a rule:

If Type is IKEA and Adres Odbioru/Dostawy is not Malborska 51 (if you use multiple addresses, use "does not contain" with all possibilities).

Set Adres Odbioru/Dostawy as  Malborska 51

This rule will run every hour.  Hope this helps.
