Wonder who can help with this one.
I'm looking at an outbound ticket that was first opened two months ago. It was closed off today, and the resolution time in the performance distrubution report is logged as between 350-700 hours.
Now, my understanding is that that shouldn't be the case.
The life cycle of this ticket is basically as follows:
Ticket created and marked as Awaiting Customer Reply (SLA timer off)
A week goes by
Ticket status changed to Follow Up (SLA timer on)
Agent sends another email (within a couple of hours) to the customer to chase
Ticket status changed back to Awaiting Customer Reply (SLA timer off)
Repeat until today
Ticket marked as Closed
If I understand how the timers are meant to work, the total 'resolution time' on this ticket shouldn't be more than about 24 hours at an absolute maximum. As the customer never responded, we've had little choice but to keep chasing them, not the other way around.
Any ideas?