Need help with a curl command please

  • 13 June 2018
  • 1 reply

Here's a curl command to set a company_id in a contact. I run this from a Windows Shell. It's pretty much extracted from the online reference example "Update a Contact


curl -v -u myAPIkey-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d "{"company_id":33000299559}" ""

The double quotes seem to be necessary, I tried several variations tough...

Here's the response I get:


* Could not resolve host: application

* Closing connection 0

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application

* Trying


* Connected to ( port 443 (#1)

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 1/3)

* schannel: checking server certificate revocation

* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 195 bytes...

* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 195 bytes

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)

* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)

* schannel: encrypted data got 3061

* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3061 length 4096

* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 126 bytes...

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 2/3)

* schannel: encrypted data got 51

* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 51 length 4096

* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete

* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with port 443 (step 3/3)

* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache

* Server auth using Basic with user 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

> PUT /api/v2/contacts/33002370286 HTTP/1.1

> Host:

> Authorization: Basic bzJYOU9UbzZHVmswb3RGQXJNNm46WA==

> User-Agent: curl/7.60.0

> Accept: */*

> Content-Length: 24

> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


* upload completely sent off: 24 out of 24 bytes

* schannel: client wants to read 102400 bytes

* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 103424

* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424

* schannel: encrypted data got 566

* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 566 length 103424

* schannel: decrypted data length: 537

* schannel: decrypted data added: 537

* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 537 length 102400

* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424

* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 537 length 102400

* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup

* schannel: decrypted data returned 537

* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 102400

< HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type

< Content-Type: application/json

< Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 09:28:53 GMT

< Status: 415 Unsupported Media Type

< X-Rack-Cache: invalidate, pass

< X-RateLimit-Remaining: 2895

< X-RateLimit-Total: 3000

< X-RateLimit-Used-CurrentRequest: 1

< X-Request-Id: baef3c4220a8b9de20419d8bd05085a4

< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

< Content-Length: 145

< Connection: keep-alive


{"code":"invalid_content_type","message":"Content-Type header is set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. It should be set to application/json"}* Connection #1 to host left intact


I have similar commands that query a contact working just fine. It's the PUT type that is bugging me....

Thanks for your help,


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1 reply

Problem solved:

Inside the json string, the double quotes require an \ escape code

curl -v -u myAPIkey-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d "{\"company_id\":33000299559}" ""

This does the trick :=)