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I have a problem when a specific customer open a ticket. When the ticket open, it appears like WE did it instead of the customer. Everytime this customer open a ticket we have to edit its info to put the correct ticket's caller.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards

Hello Moises,

How do these tickets get created? Do the customers mail the agents and they forward it to the helpdesk? Or, do they create these tickets from the portal? A little bit of additional context can help us fixing this.



This customer creates the tickets by sending a mail to a mail group where the agents are. When a mail is sent to this group, a ticket it's created on FreshDesk.

If there is any doubt, please let me know. Thank you.


Hi again,

Please, this problem still happening and we'd like to solve this as soon as possible, this is giving us problems for work correctly.

If it's necesary provide more info about please tell me

Thanks in advance.


If I understand your mail properly your customers send a mail to a mail group, and this mail is then forwarded to FreshDesk to create a ticket. Is that correct.

Why does the customer not send a mail directly to FreshDesk: support@<yourname> (or what is set up in Admin >> Email settings)?

Or have I misunderstood you?


If I understand your mail properly your customers send a mail to a mail group, and this mail is then forwarded to FreshDesk to create a ticket. Is that correct. > This is correct

Why does the customer not send a mail directly to FreshDesk: support@<yourname> (or what is set up in Admin >> Email settings)? > The mail the customer sends is support@<group mail>

The thing is that I don't understand how this specific customer can reply to us like it was us (the support team).

Sorry if my explication is poor and dificult and dificult to understand, if you need any info please tell me about.


In the Admin section, under Support Channels you will find Email.

Attached an example of our system.

Our customers send emails to that address and it works fine.

Is the support@<group mail> also what you see on this Settings screen?





Yes, that's what I see in the settings screen, just like the screenshot you've attached.


So where do you see who opened the ticket? 

Are the contact details the customer or your agent?

If you select "Show activities" who does it say created the ticket, your agent or the customer?

Which fields do you change as they are wrong?


So where do you see who opened the ticket?

I can see who opened a ticket on the Information Panel on the Recent Activities section

Are the contact details the customer or your agent?

I don't understand this question

If you select "Show activities" who does it say created the ticket, your agent or the customer? 

The ticket it's opened by the customer but it appears like we opened it

Which fields do you change as they are wrong?

The Contact field, we have to put the customer's mail



I don't understand why this is happening, and don't think I can help.

@Aravind: any suggestions?

One setting which should not be relevant, but just in case; which setting do you have on the "Forwarded emails" (see attachment), under Admin, Support Channels, Email?


Just one addition: there is a KB article. I think you say you have set this up properly, but just in case: Converting your support email into Freshdesk tickets

I don't know if this article also exists in your own language.

Hi Mark,

The setting you tell about in Forwarded emails it's the same you show me on the attachment, this option it's On.

Thanks for your help. Regards


I've just talked with the customer because maybe the problem cames by it's side but it's discarted. He told me that when an email it's sent to our support group he doesn't recieve a notification that confirms the creation of a ticket.


One question. Does this happen with all tickets / all customers, or only specific tickets or specific customers?

This happen with every ticket from a specific customer.

Thanks @Markfor helping with this. Freshdesk expects the original sender's email address to be available in the message headers of the email and if that's not available for some reason, it'd create the ticket on behalf of the user who forwarded the ticket (in this case, the group email).

@Moises, We'd need the original email headers to troubleshoot this issue further. I'm creating a support ticket to help you with this.


I'm afraid that for privacy and security reasons I can't provide you the original email headers.


By the way, thank you for creating the support ticket, I've already received the notification from its creation.


I'll post any sugerence or posible solution that the FreshDesk's support gives me in this topic for the help of the comunity.


Thank you