SSO authentication keep failing after applying change in SSO.
Recently I received email about the change about SSO. And I have applied but still keep failing. Below is changed code - I have added shared_key for hash.
Could you check what's wrong? Or Is there any error response while login by SSO?
def freshdesk_sso_redirect(user):
timestamp = '%d' % (datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
payload = user.full_name() + app.configi'SSO']''freshdesk']''SECRET'] + user.email + timestamp
hashvalue = hmac.new(app.configi'SSO']''freshdesk']''SECRET'], payload, md5).hexdigest()
return redirect(app.configi'SSO']''freshdesk']''REDIRECT_URI'] + '?' + urlencode({
'name': user.full_name(),
'email': user.email,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'hash': hashvalue