Tickets API: get only tickets modified after XYZ timestamp

  • 27 August 2015
  • 1 reply


I'm integrating Freshdesk into our BSS. We need to record that customer had issue, and link to Freshdesk from BSS.

Using API, I want to fetch only tickets that have been modified after XYZ timestamp.

(Only need to scan tickets that have changed).

Currently we fetch ALL tickets, and filter on our server. But this is wasteful (and we hope to have many tickets, at which point, this strategy will no longer work).

I have tried the following 

LAST_CHECK = "2016-01-01T00:00:00-04:00"
"" + URI.escape("updated_at > {LAST_CHECK}"
"" + URI.escape("updated_at is_greater_than {LAST_CHECK}"

Though LAST_CHECK is 14 months in the future, this call just gives me all tickets.

I have tried other date formats, but cannot find one that works.

How do I get only tickets that have changed after XYZ date?


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1 reply

Hello Colin,

Unfortunately, it is not possible right now to filter the list of tickets based on the last updated time. 

However, we completely agree that it is wasteful to get all the tickets and that is why we are currently working on an enhancement for the "View List of Tickets" endpoint that would filter based on the last updated time. I will post here once that is available.