Turn off the "Discuss"

  • 14 November 2017
  • 6 replies

The new "discuss" panel is nice if your organization doesn't have another internal communication applications such as Slack. However, it is rather annoying if you don't use it. Every time I go to highlight words in the requests to copy, I get the annoying "discuss" popup and it interferes with the contextual ( right-click ) menu in the browser.

It would be good to have a way to turn this "feature" off.

6 replies

I agree you should be able to toggle this feature

Hey Alejandro and David,

I am from the product team for Team Huddle and I see why the discuss popup on every text select would be a problem. We have changed the way this works in the brand new Mint experience for Freshdesk. The Mint experience should be available to you shortly. We are also currently working on providing a way to turn the discuss on/off as part of settings. I will keep you posted on this. 

Kindly bear with us till then :)

Userlevel 4
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Hello Alejandro and David,

We've tweaked the setting in MINT so that the discuss option appears only when you have the Huddle window open in the page. Otherwise, the option wouldn't show up when you highlight a text.


Its back now. How do i disable it?

This issue has returned. 

Hello All, 

Good day!

You'll be able to turn off the Highlight option by opening the Freshconnect huddle and hitting the highlight mode to off. 

Also, as Aravind mentioned the discuss option would pop up only when the Huddle window is open on the page. 

Hope this helps

