using a 1440 monitor the "table view" does not fit the width of the screen

  • 20 September 2019
  • 2 replies

using a 1440 monitor the "table view" does not fit the width of the screen

it has a fixed width and scroll bars at the bottom of the page

About 40% of my screen is gray with a border down each side 

 I have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the scroll bar  to move left and right to see the columns.

all columns should fit on my screen and the 40% of space down each side should be used 

Using Chrome and Opera


2 replies

Did you ever find a solution?

Hi Folks,

We heard you. This sure is one of the popular asks from our crowd! 

Our product managers are exploring the possibilities to accommodate this in the near future. Please keep an eye out on our track of updates. 

We would make sure to notify when this is available.

