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When an (incident) ticket is closed, the linked tasks are also automatically set to "closed." As far as I know, this is hardcoded. Is there any way to bypass this?

Use case: We often receive incident tickets where the necessary changes or actions only need to be executed in a few months. In such cases, we create a task with a due date and receive a notification when the due date is reached, so we can reopen the ticket and address it. However, this doesn’t work as the task is marked as "completed" when the ticket is closed.

We don’t want to leave the ticket open for months, as no actions are needed in the meantime.

I haven’t found a solution through flow automation. Does anyone have an idea or alternative suggestion (e.g., working with a calendar)?


Not sure it this is actually feasible, but what about using Orch creating a Scheduled Task on the Orch Integration server to create a ticket at a later date with the given data? This way, as for an Auditing perspective, would make more sense to have a ticket / task run later (when needed) that one after the parent ticket is already closed.



I have the reverse situation.  I have multiple TASKS (10+ in some cases) that may be open for several weeks and must be completed before the incident can be considered Resolved. 

I am looking for a way to have the Incident automatically resolve when all the TASKS are Completed.  

The method I have been using works fine when there are only 4-5 TASKs but fails when a larger number of TASKS are involved.  

Would you have any thoughts on how I could resolve that issue? 

Perhaps use a Third-Party Calendar Integration

  • Since Freshservice lacks built-in support for tasks that persist independently of their parent ticket:
    • Export the task's due date to a third-party calendar (e.g., Google Calendar, Outlook).
    • Set a reminder or notification when the task's due date approaches.
  • You can then reopen the closed ticket (or create a new one) at the appropriate time to address the task.

Maybe you could set up a custom workflow or reminder system that keeps the task visible without needing the ticket open? A shared calendar or task management tool might also help you track due dates independently more info.
