Basic search of tickets has no bulk action items to perform ???

  • 17 December 2019
  • 3 replies

 Given my example below, this was just a basic search of all tickets by a keyword and there is no checkboxes next to them to perform any actions such as Delete or Assign which is a bit ridiculous. Ive had to process around 500 tickets manually today to delete them because they were spam. YES, I know about creating an automation rule for this but thats not the point. It would be nice to have a bulk action item list when performing just a basic search of tickets by keyword. Several of your competitors have this, please consider it in the future. .


3 replies

I need this functionality also.

Freshdesk's team does not care about clients and the community. There's some feature requests waiting 8+ years for a solution, they absolutely have no idea about a community driven product is. It's ridiculous that some basic features are not developed, or even planned. You can see how they are  not willing with the community just filtering ideas that are planned or on progress, you will find absolutely nothing.

Nothing heard on this and tickets searches still have no bulk action items to
perform on them. As an example, if I search by a keyword such as ‘purchase’, I
get a list of tickets but if I wanted to move them to a group for processing or
assign to an agent there is no option to do that. No checkboxes for
selecting tickets or a menu for processing them/moving to a group or assigning
to any specific agent. Imagine having to process several hundred tickets manually to open and assign to a group/agent. This should be a part of ticket management. Hoping for a good change in the
future of Freshdesk.
