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Has anyone had success with reminding requesters to reply to tickets? For example, agent replies, if hours since agent replied is 9 and status is awaiting response, send email to requester.

I found this post from several years ago, but I’m trying to avoid adding checkboxes to our ticket forms just for this purpose. I’ve implemented the below but it just fires an email every hour on the hour once the top condition is met; apparently disregarding the second condition (listed below).  As a bonus, we’d like to only send the email during business hours. 

First attempt conditions (all):

  • Status is awaiting response
  • Business hours since agent replied is greater than 8
  • Business hours since agent replied is less than 9

Result: User receives email every hour after 8 hours regardless of calendar hour


Make sure that your conditions precisely check the elapsed business hours since the agent's reply. Also, implementing a check to ensure emails are sent only during business hours is essential.

Consider adjusting your logic to include a one-time trigger within the 8-9 hour window and adding a condition to check if the current time falls within business hours.

it should prevent the repeated emails.

Here’s the config that we have setup.

This sends an email to the requester that more or less says “we haven’t heard from you since the previous business day, please reply”.

A second supervisor rule is setup as well, but with 19-20 hours as the hours since agent responded.

When both of these are on, at 9 hours past the agents reply and pending status being selected, the requester will get an email every hour, on the hour until 19 hours has elapsed. Then the other one will start sending emails.  I have a strong belief here that the Supervisor rule, for some reason, isnt accepting two conditions for the same criteria but I’m nowhere near perfect so hoping someone else has something that works.

If you switch the order of the “Hours Since” conditions, does it fire every hour until it hits the 10 hour mark? Might give you a clue whether the Supervisor Rule is only accepting the first condition of the two conditions using the same field.


Here is our automation, I have others that extend the time that are basically the same with just different “hours since” and they do not seem to send tickets every hour. I do know with Time Triggers it can be a little tricky because if information on the ticket changes it starts the clock over again, or you might have competing time triggers.  I have several and you have to be careful to include some is not’s or maybe a tag that gets put on the first time it is sent, then add “In tickets Tag is not XYZ” that may help. 

Good luck,


@Soverton did you forget the pic? I dont see anything :)

Sorry about that, I thought it was attached and did not notice it was not there when I posted. 


@Soverton this is a different view than what I have; Did that from from FS or is this from FD?

I am so sorry this is from Desk not Service I must have not read the tag correctly.  


I have the exact same issue using Freshservice, where it is notifying the requestor every hour on the hour after the first condition is met. Freshworks support is saying to use Calendar Hours, which makes no sense. I can’t have notifications being sent out after business hours.


Has anyone been able to find resolutions?

For us we also use it the way described by you @Medic1334.

this setup only fires one email each time it gets triggered (we have setup multiple after more time)

I don’t seem to understand the necessity to have the Mail send in Business hours apart from weekends.

i also do not have a solution for this. For us it is just sending it out after 2 days (our SLAs are currently very lenient) and the requester will get the information latest the next day or later after the weekend. 

on top of that we use tags to determine how often this happens and provide guidance for the requesters. 

I later can check our setup in detail again if you want. Please let me know 😄

Is the tag what’s making it work you while it’s not for others?  If so, what are you tagging and how are you doing it?

The solution Freshworks is telling us is to use Calendar Hours, which is not an option.  Their backup solution was to create a checkbox in every ticket that an Agent must check is specific situations that does something.  Didn’t go into details with them about that as that is also not a valid option.

Is the tag what’s making it work you while it’s not for others?  If so, what are you tagging and how are you doing it?

The solution Freshworks is telling us is to use Calendar Hours, which is not an option.  Their backup solution was to create a checkbox in every ticket that an Agent must check is specific situations that does something.  Didn’t go into details with them about that as that is also not a valid option.


we are using Calendar Hours as it doesnt matter to us, but I don’t see where this should be an issue as the calculation itself changes and the rest should work.

We had it set like that before but there was an issue, when the Business Hour was set at exactly the time in between the condition after the business hours ended, especially during the weekend our requesters got emails hourly.

That is why we then changed it to calendar hours.

Below I put our Setup

Our Conditions
Our Actions


We are mainly using the tags for analysis and getting an overview about requesters not responding.

@Medic1334 I have this setup on our FreshDesk setup, and it works fine, looks like you’re using FreshService, and you’ve posted in the wrong channel.
