Customized Freshdesk theme that saves time & money

  • 15 August 2018
  • 4 replies

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Freshdesk theme customized by Breezy Themes

This theme was customized by our developers for our Freshdesk support portal. We, at Breezy Themes, use Freshdesk ourselves and know how to make the most out of customization based on Freshdesk functionality and hidden features. 

Like all our templates this theme is fully compatible with Freshdesk Mint and Freshservice and incorporates most
popular Freshdesk customizations. Apart from standard features that all our
templates have, it inludes:

  • icons for categories on the home page
  • always visible sticky header
  • side navigation to help users navigate your
    support portal easier

  • custom links in the footer and header
  • next and prev buttons to forward to the next and
    previous pages 

Article page on a Freshdesk theme customized by Breezy Themes

This exclusive theme saves your time and money since you don’t
get a basic template but a customized support portal. This means you don’t have
to wait long and buy every 
Freshdesk customization separately and therefore save
around $400


Moreover, you can install this Freshdesk theme on your support portal without
changes or add other customizations on your own or with our help.


Learn more about the customized Freshservice and
Freshdesk theme created for our support portal by 
contacting us.


About Breezy Themes


Breezy Themes is an authorized
Freshworks partner
. This means that Freshworks recommends our templates and
customization services to their customers.
Have a look at some of our works
Case Studies

Breezy Themes is a Freshworks partner

“Our partnership with Breezy
Themes ensures businesses using Freshdesk can create highly personalized
customer experiences. Breezy Themes are specialists with experience in building
and implementing custom themes and templates based on customer requirements.”

Rajiv Ramanan, Head of
Freshworks Marketplace


4 replies

where can I get this theme? 

Userlevel 2
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Hi Jarin, thank you for your interest! To get this custom Freshdesk theme, you should contact us.

Userlevel 2
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Hi Jarin, thank you for your interest! To get this custom Freshdesk theme you should contact us

Thanks for sharing that theme. I wanted to use it for my site Tekken 4. I think it hava all the features that I want and functionality I wanted to implement. 
