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Can Freshdesk create printable ticket reports? (e.g. My Open Tickets)

  • 20 November 2023
  • 2 replies

I’m looking to print a simple (PDF) report for all Open/Unresolved Tickets by agent that would include 2 to 3 line summary of Agent, Requestor, Date Created, subject and priority. 

This would be extremely helpful in glancing tickets for morning stand up meetings.


I tried doing this with a CVS export, but it didn’t seem to allow me to set a date range that included all tickets. 


Yes, definitely.

But it depends on the plan you have.

In Analytics you can create your own sort of reports.

You can easily create a report for Ticket totals, for instance, and properly setup the underlying data as per your needs.

This should work for you:


Then, you could even create an Schedule for automatic reporting via Email of the CSV of tabular data:



Hope this helps.



Hi @JonathanTFA 

Good day to you!

Yes, that’s possible. As @eeha0120  has mentioned above, you can create your own report and you can export it in a PDF format as well.

I hope this helps!
