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New Ticket Created when replying from FreshDesk

  • 16 April 2021
  • 2 replies

When I receive an email ticket and reply directly from Freshdesk, that reply is somehow creating a new ticket in FreshDesk. Any client responses also create new tickets, and do not attach to the original ticket. Not sure what is going on, but cannot figure out how to fix it. 


Please help!!


~ Lauren

Hello @laurencb,

Can you navigate to Admin → Email → Advanced settings and ensure that the following option is toggled off?


Skip ticket threading


If it’s toggled on, can you turn this off and test? As it’s explicit from the description, ticket threading would be prevented if this option is ON. 


Also, for every reply that you send, new ticket shouldn’t be created. Can you ensure forwarding is set-up as mentioned in this document?


If the above steps didn’t help, please write to with the details and our support buddies would love to help you further. 

Hello @laurencb, thanks for confirming over chat that the issue has been fixed once you verified the support email.


If the support email is not verfied after the forwarding is set-up in your mailbox, all the messages that reach your support inbox would be converted as tickets, but when you try to reply back in the same tickets it would be sent from support@yourfreshdeskURL, the default Freshdesk support address that comes with all Freshdesk account. 

Hence, verifying the email by clicking on the verfiy button by navigaeting to Admin → Email would help in fixing this issue. 

Should you need any further assistance, you can always post them here or write to and we’d love to help you as always!
