
Notifications to agents on responses with Freddy "Thank You" detector

  • 1 February 2024
  • 0 replies



I posted this message already as response to another post but I fear that it will not get the necessary attention there, so I relaunch it as a separate question.


Following the instructions from here:

agents will get a notification for a ticket response/added notes for
> already open tickets (tickets not closed or resolved)
> closed/resolved tickets that Freddy assumes are not a “Thank You” message.

I understand that the first property is set so the agent can see & decide if a ticket answer is a “Thank You” message or not and Freddy can learn from tickets closed without further answer that these might be in fact “Thank You” messages. 
There are just 2 points/questions I have:

  1. We already have the email notifications (“requester replies to ticket” and “note added to ticket”) activated unter the category “workflows”. Isn’t that a double feature then? Don’t we get two notifications in that case when somebody answers to an open ticket? If yes, should we switch off the email notifications or rather eliminate the property “tickets with status not closed or resolved” in the automations?
  2. Being a Beta version, how reliable is it to open answers that contain the word “thank you” but still need to be answered? I, for example, often thank somebody for a quick reply but then ask for more information or give instructions. How sure can we be not to miss any similar answer from our clients?


I was really enthusiastic when I learned about the “Thank You” message detector as it is stressing us out to receive them which means to have to close the tickets again and getting our response time messed up. Last week I had a client who answered with a “it worked, thank you!” after THREE MONTHS! So we would be really glad to implement this feature.

Thanks to anybody giving me a reply.

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