I have a question.
We are trying to create validation of users registering to the portal as well as validating that tickets are created by valid contacts.
The idea is to use a CompanyID field which value is imported from our CRM.
When a contact registers they must include the companyID in the registration process and the company ID they enter needs to match the CompanyID already associated with the domain of the contact email. Example:
- Contact Joe Doe from Acme is registering using email jd@acme.com and CompanyID = 12345
- The system will check that a company with a domain of acme.com does have a CompanyID = 12345
- If there is, the contact can complete the registration. Otherwise it gets an error message that either companyID or its email domain are not recognized and to contact its admin.
When a contact creates a ticket by email it will include in its email (either subject or body) the text “CompanyID=12345”
- The system will check that (1) contact’s email is in the system and the contact is registered (this is supported as far as I know) (2) The CompanyID value in the email matches the CompanyID associated with the contact/contact’s email domain
- If contact is registered and there is a match, the ticket is created. Otherwise, the ticket goes to spam and contacts gets an email notification stating it is either not registered or provided the wrong CompanyID.
Basically, it means that only a contact that knows something “confident”, i.e. the compnayID of its company, can register and/or open tickets.
Is this logic supported? Does it require a higher tier than Growth? Can it be done without API?