While testing the functionality documented here:
Is there way to add tickets automatically to the solutions or knowledge base?
Any email sent to kbase@<yourcompanyname>.freshdesk.com from your agent email address would be created as a draft solution article inside your Freshdesk Account. You can choose to have this email address added as a bcc email if you'd like to have all tickets automatically added to the knowledge base or you can also manually forward the tickets to this email address, which would save them as solution article drafts.
I found that tickets do correctly end up as drafts in the Solutions section --the Knowledge Base-- but there’s several issues which happen once you decide to edit them:
- Upon entering the edit view, the app won’t ever react to actions (publish, cancel, not even menu navigation). I checked the JS console and saw several nasty errors both on Firefox and Chrome.
- The right bar of “article properties” doesn’t show up. I suspect this is caused by the previous issue.
- The article doesn’t belong to any category. This would be fine if it could be later moved to another category, but since the right bar doesn’t show up it’s kindof doomed to be left there as not categorized. I guess this is also caused by the first issue.
- The conversation related to the forwarded email doesn’t show up in the generated article. For example, I’d like for previous messages in the conversation to be included in the article. They don’t. This isn’t an error strictly, more like a very desirable feature for me.
- Likewise, forwarding several messages in a single conversation creates several KB articles. It’d be nice if they got somehow extended, or linked.
Disclaimer: I’m testing all of these in a separate trial account.