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FreshService Portal

So is anyone else having issues with their FreshService portal today?

I don’t see any postings here in the community for an outage, nothing on their website but I filed a ticket with support and they sent me a link that does not resolve either.

Trying to figure out if it is “just me” or if there is a real issue.

Not just you, we are down as well.

Not had any issues today…. 

We are on the european azure datacentre. 


Issue appears to be related to login.  I am able to get to our general page, but when attempting to auth, we get a 401 error.

Yes having login issues, freshworks domain seems to be the issue.

Thank you for confirming.

I have found that the mobile app is working for us just no the websites.

There’s definitely something messed up with login- I am already logged in on the phone app and website, but my coworkers cannot log in themselves. When we go to our Freshworks account page, we get the following error:



I can confirm this by going to our support portal and trying to log in in an incognito window.

our Freshworks & freshsales webapp is down as well

Global outage with Logins!

Looks like this has been officially recognized by Freshworks:


Freshworks CRM Status page

Ours is back up

I used and logged in to Australian via VPN. Different server seemed to work.


@efriedman that is what led me to post this I first checked their website, support site and status page and nothing was posted. did show a spike but Down Detector isn’t always reliable. Glad the freshservice status page is updated. We share that site with our end users and they were complaining because it was green but they couldn't get in.


Looks like everything is back up and running now.
