
How to add a user to an AD security group from a sevice request.

  • 17 September 2022
  • 5 replies


Hi, I have a security group in AD that my agents add requestors to and that security group membership determines who receives or loses an adobe creative cloud license. Currently I have a form on our intranet site that creates a ticket in Freshservice and my agents pick up the ticket and add the requestor that security group. I would like to automate this further, by adding a service request to my portal and making users use that to request an adobe license. When they submit the request I would like for it to add the requesting user to the AD security group. This way I don’t have to waste an agent’s time with adding a user to a security. 


Is this possible? If so how would I go about doing that?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hi @kerwin.ZGF. Welcome to the Freshworks Community and thanks for your question.

@zachary.king - thank you for your answer as well and for the heads-up on the forum change. I’ve shifted this to the Freshservice forums.

Tagging @Ammar KB, our product specialist to add any additional inputs on this question.

Thanks @rashmi.nag appreciate it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @kerwin.ZGF. Welcome to the Freshworks Community and thanks for your question.

@zachary.king - thank you for your answer as well and for the heads-up on the forum change. I’ve shifted this to the Freshservice forums.

Tagging @Ammar KB, our product specialist to add any additional inputs on this question.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

No problem @kerwin.ZGF. So Freshservice comes with some great functionality for automation due to the Orchestration Center and its group of Orchestration applications.

In regards to Active Directory, the application use may want to try would be the following:

This application will allow you to interact with Active Directory and perform actions on users, and you can use workflow automators to trigger those actions.

You can take a look at this solution article as well -

Hope that helps!


Thanks and apologies. I am using fresh service.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hello @kerwin.ZGF I think this would better suited in the category of the freshworks platform you are using so that the community members can better assist you solve this business problem.

What software are you using? Freshservice? Freshdesk?

@rashmi.nag can we move this inquiry to a better suited thread?
