having issues with merging and what client can see verse internal agents can see on the ticket.
Sometimes we get a response to an existing ticket but freshdesk creates a new ticket. I thought merging would be an easy way to fix that - but seems I am wrong.
It seems the ticket that was merged is no longer visible to the customer (its only marked as closed as far as customer can see in their portal – not even that it was merged)
But further the customer loses any visibility on that response that was in the ticket I merged into (as they can not see the merged ticket data it in the destination ticket as the system added it as a private note). Of course the agent can see it but its totally missing from the client view.
I spoke to support and their feedback was
However, the order of conversations is added in a chronological order and would appear the same way for the customer.
My issue is it doesn’t, as that merged information is unavailable for the customer to see (in the destination ticket),
Does everyone else see the same issue?
My only work around is to manually copy the data from the source to destination ticket and not use the merge functionality at all when there is additional information in the ticket, which seems a bit crazy.
Any ideas or does this just need some rework by the development team?