Track Agent Availability Status for Chat

Related products: Freshdesk

As an admin, track in real-time which of you agents are available to accept chats and which ones have turned themselves off for chat or are offline 

See how long agents have been in their current status

Hi Smrithi, 

Very nice feature, I like it... So why stopping here, let's go a step further and integrate it to the report section ;)

We're not yet at 24/7 but we do covers long hours and sometimes with no "supervisor"

So it would be nice to be able to monitor it from the report section (not only in real time). Like that we can make sure that people starting very early or leaving very late were available on those hours without supervision.

We can look at the dashboard activities or the livechat history but it's not really practical.

Looking forward to it!

Nicolas - Thanks for the suggestion! Right now we only have the data in real time, and are not storing it anywhere. But as we are working on making our chat reports more robust, will definitely look into how we can provide more information on agent availability and productivity for chat.

Is there any update on this?

Looking for un update on this feature. Thank you!

The last update was a year ago. Anything about its status that's worth sharing?

Is this already in progress? 

It says it's been implemented. Can anyone guide me on where this information can be found? Thanks!

@Mike: It is available in the Dashboard screen for the admin(s). Here's a quick GIF that will help you to locate this option :

