Related products: Freshsuccess


  • Connector configuration versioning

  • Accounts page enhancement

  • Outlook image as per guidelines

  • Manage fields show count system and custom fields

  • Removed the need to close/dismiss the previous alert before a new alert can retrigger

  • Developer/admin users can copy and paste given code snippets into my app codebase

  • Users can view the action buttons while hovering over the touchpoint templates, goal templates, alerts, and manage lists table row.

  • Churn filter task placeholder


Bug Fixes:

These were the bugs detected and they’ve now been fixed.

  1. Accounts.listViews was called in custom dashboards but was deprecated. 

  2. Goal ID was getting wrapped in the goals list view page in some scenarios.

  3. Sometimes while refreshing the page the translations are displayed in the navbar > Add new.

  4. We’ve validated output JSON in worker before inserting it into the source job stats table.

  5. In the manage list, the checkbox of the account list and users list was misaligned.

  6. Custom dashboard - Add/Edit widget - we’ve removed old/unused accountsMgr/listViews API call.

  7. There was a “primary contact" display and mapping issue.

  8. Tool Tip in Analytics chart wasn’t auto-hidden when navigating between charts.

  9. There was an issue in S3 bucket configuration in production for connector and workflow.

  10. Account overview task page error from manual account creation.

  11. We were seeing a console error for Add new task slider.

  12. We’ve fixed the Filter - Goals, and task priority dropdown list.

  13. Users weren’t able to choose a value in the custom dependent field on the Account list page.

  14. There was a flyway wrapper script IFS error.

  15. Custom Currency field was showing up as editable even after it was marked read-only.

  16. Freshworks CRM - Preview widgets Account Insights tab.

  17. In the list, users weren’t able to update custom user fields when the user fields are added as columns in the user list and added in contactsDho.

  18. Add new > Account should not be plural.

  19. There was a Helpscout issue in the OAuth authorization.

  20. We’ve limited the number of outstanding RPCs in the custom dashboard.

  21. There was a search performance issue on the account360-NPS Tableau.

  22. The Goal owner is now added as a watcher.

  23. The user's page in the Management center was broken under certain conditions.

  24. Hubspot access token expired issue.

  25. Not able to add task, goal, and ticket from the account edit more option.

  26. The Goal detail page was broken when large goal name/more comments in a goal were being opened in 1280x800 or 1440x900 resolution.

  27. Customize account layout->Workflow tab was removed.

  28. Across the product, we’ve made changes to the behavior of the first entity.

  29. The field "Copy" action is not available anymore.

  30. There was a "Primary contact" display and mapping issue.

  31. When coming back to the tasks/goals page, the last visited sort order will now be remembered/retained.

  32. There was a health score display issue in the saved list.

  33. There was a Pipedrive reverse sync issue with the sync mode insert.

Cheers :)

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