Freshdesk Release notes - 18th Oct

Related products: Freshdesk

Here are some important updates we have apart from our efforts on performance improvement and fixing key bugs reported.

Meta for chat tickets: From now on, agents can hover over the ‘Meta’ label in tickets created via chat to see associated information like the URL the conversation was raised from, the browser, the OS and location. This will not appear for offline chat tickets.

New Ticket Templates:

Templates allow you to pre-fill new tickets and outgoing emails with a single click. You can save time spent on typing out the same content again and again and quickly create tickets or send outbound emails.

For example, you can create a template called 'Initiate Refund' by filling the body of the ticket and setting the priority as medium. So the next time you receive a phone call about a refund, you can create a medium priority ticket for your customer and initiate the refund request with a single click.

The feature is available for all garden+ accounts.

Warning when users close tab or navigate away before sending a reply or a note: When a user starts writing a note or a reply or forwards a thread, and closes the tab or leaves the page without hitting send, a confirmation dialog will now pop up asking if they’d indeed like to leave the page or stay on it.

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