Release Notes

Freshservice Release Notes - Sep 2022

Related products: Freshservice
Freshservice Release Notes - Sep 2022

Important update: We have updated the release timelines of “Parse Alert Content in Email” and “Add Alert fields in Ticket Workflow Automator” on 28th Sep 2022. This enhancement will be available by 07th Oct’22 instead of 29th Sep’22.

Note: All the features/enhancements below will be available on Starter and Growth plans on Sep 15th. For Pro and Enterprise plans will be available on Sep 29th.

Product version: 2022.R09L.01


New Features and Enhancements


Increase Limit in Team Dashboards

Category: IT Service Management

We have increased the limit of team dashboards from 05 to 20. With team dashboards, agents*, manager, or supervisor can hand-pick and curate the KPIs in one place.

Note - Agents with "Manage Agents" privilege within the global scope will only be able to create and share dashboards with all agents.

More details here.





Tracking Attachment Activities in Ticket logs

Category: IT Service Management

Users can now track attachment activities like addition or removal in the activity logs of tickets.



nAPI] Ability to filter tickets by the requester

Category: IT Service Management

We have added support for filtering tickets through API based on requester id and email. The filter condition will work along with other conditions using the logical operators.


Arcade - Renaming 'Sharpshooter'

Category: IT Service Management

We have renamed the 'Sharpshooter' in the arcade to 'Wizard.' Agents with the highest First Call Resolution (FCR) points for a month will be given a wizard trophy.



Improved Natural Language understanding system for Virtual Agent

Category: IT Service Management

The recent upgrade to our Virtual Agent’s NLU algorithm enables improved language understanding of employees’ queries. With this upgrade:

  • Some queries and names of applications that were being misclassified as small talk will now get relevant responses, if available.

  • Quicker response time by better detection of queries about solution articles and service items.

  • Better detection of abbreviations.

Note: This was released on August 23rd for all Enterprise accounts.


Improved Virtual Agent's responses

Category: IT Service Management

Reduce the number of times your employees resort to ticket creation by giving them more control over Virtual Agent’s responses to their queries with these features:

  • Hybrid responses - Shows a combination of solution articles and service items when a query is ambiguous and allows requesters to see more responses of a specific type.

  • Feedback controls - Allows requesters to make Virtual Agent search for more responses of a different type (solution articles or service items) if the first batch of responses is not helpful.

Note: This was released on August 23rd for all Enterprise accounts.

More details here.



Parse Alert Content in Email

Category: IT Operations Management

Users of the Alert Management module who choose email as a channel for alerts will now be able to parse the email content and assign values to alert properties based on set conditions. The components of the email i.e. subject, from, to, & body could be parsed and mapped to metric name, metric value, resource, node, & severity.

More details here.

Note: We have updated the release timelines of this enhancement on 28th Sep 2022. This enhancement will be available by 07th Oct'22 instead of 29th Sep’22.


Add Alert fields in Ticket Workflow Automator

Category: IT Operations Management

Users can now access alert properties of an alert associated with an incident inside the workflow automator. Up until now, this information was present in the ticket description. However, since individual components of this information were not mapped to relevant fields, ticket automation was not possible. Now with this ability, users can now trigger emails, add notes, and descriptions containing alert information, and take other automated actions based on an incident’s primary alert information.

More details here.

Note: We have updated the release timelines of this enhancement on 28th Sep 2022. This enhancement will be available by 07th Oct'22 instead of 29th Sep’22.



Get mobile push notifications for on-call management

Category: IT Operations Management

On-call agents can now receive mobile push notifications on the Freshservice mobile app. They will be able to acknowledge, escalate, in addition to resolving incidents through the mobile app itself.

Note: This enhancement will be rolled out by the end of the month, after which users will need to update the app to the latest version to be able to start using it.



End-of-Life Asset Field

Category: IT Asset Management
Admins can now track, automate and report on the end date of an asset life using the default end-of-life asset field.

Note: This will be available for growth plan onward by Sep 30th.




Bug Fixes


These were the product defects detected, and they’ve now been fixed.

  • When the user was on the last page of the solution articles list in Freshservice knowledge base, the “next” button still showed in pagination.

  • Agents were not able to see/search for the solution articles on the portal when the department they were assigned was deleted.

  • Raising tickets from the service portal without an attachment was possible, even if attachments were mandatory.

  • Change update issues when lookup fields were introduced.

  • Business Rule for the requester portal when evaluating Logged in User department conditions.

  • ‘Chat with us’ widget inside the product was not working as expected.

  • CC Email notifications weren’t being sent for replies if the requester of a ticket also has agent access on that ticket.

  • After the description of a ticket is updated, the filter ticket API with that ticket in the response returns a 500 error message.

  • Exports and schedules from Analytics were delayed when the account's email setting was converted from the customers' mail servers to Freshservice's default mail server.

  • The calendar preview in the shift detail page will henceforth reflect the same time as the shift start time and the notifications will be sent based on the Day light saving honored in respective regions.

  • Previously on priority change, escalation notifications were not sent out aging. After the fix, on-call notifications will be re-triggered for that agent group based on priority change. 

Another great round of updates!

Thank you as always for listening to your users and making these updates! 

Love this! 

  • Previously on priority change, escalation notifications were not sent out aging. After the fix, on-call notifications will be re-triggered for that agent group based on priority change. 

Any chance a future update will include checkbox fields for the project fields?

Any chance a future update will include checkbox fields for the project fields?


Any chance a future update will include checkbox fields for the project fields?


@josh.lopez we already have this feature available in our new gen Project Management.