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Hi everyone,

We’re super excited to launch a new version (beta) of the feedback widget this week. With the new help widget, you can:

  • Embed a branded contact form on your website or product.
  • Show solution articles wherever your users are.
  • Optimize for deflection, by guiding users to solution articles before they reach out to you.

And that’s not all. Beyond just a simple contact form, the new widget can actually help you understand when your customers are frustrated. 

For instance, if a button on your site isn’t working, and a customer is clicking on it many times hoping it’d work, the widget can popup and ask if they need help. We’re also planning to add more signals to determine if customers are frustrated on your website (like, when they scroll up and down a couple of times, clearly looking for something). If you’ve got ideas on more signals we can add, we’d love to know!

Over time, this widget will evolve to support bots, and provide options for you to include other channels (like chat) as well.

If you'd like to give the beta a shot, please leave a comment below. Just so you know, when we enable the beta: 

  • Your existing popup feedback widgets will continue to work, but you'll no longer be able to access the settings for it from Admin. 
  • Your existing embedded feedback widgets will work, and you'll be able to create new embedded widgets from a renamed section in Admin called Feedback form.


Please activate for us. Thanks.

Hi Brian and Pepijn,

The help widget is now available in your accounts :) 

Please activate for us.  Thanks.

Hi Alex, your account has the help widget now!

Dear Shankar,

Thank you for activating this widget on our support page, we are busy testing this (looks very good).

Don't know if I have missed this question in this post, but still have some questions about the widget:

- When will the official widget be available

- Can we also change the design/colours off the widget

- Can we change the position of the widget on the website/ product page

Thanks in advance for your time.

Kind regards,


Hi Pepijn van Klinken!

Responding to your questions:

1. Approximately in 2-3 weeks.

2. Yes, you can. Please, visit Widget settings in Freshdesk Admin page.

3. You can change offset from the bottom and offset from the right. Check the same "Appearance" tab in the widget settings.


Thanks for your answers. Can you point me out to the widget settings option? I can't seem to find this when opening the widget option in my admin menu I only can configure Welcome messages/ launcher text and enable the solutions.

Kind regards,


Hi Pepijn van Klinken!

Here you are:


Strange I only have these options.

Perhaps Shankar can make these available for me?


Hi Pepijn, can you do a hard refresh and check now? There was an issue that caused the tabs from not appearing. Should work now.

Thank you!

I now have all the options visible.

Hi Shankar,

Did the API change? The following no longer work starting today:

FreshworksWidget('identify', 'ticketForm', {

email: ''


It is not populating the email in the ticket field.

Please activate for us.  Thanks!

Hi Ed, things seem to work at my end. Can you send me an email - and we can troubleshoot this for you?

Hi Igor, the help widget is available in your account. You can play with it and tell us what you think :)

Please enable this on our account

Hi Shankar! Thanks for your efforts!

Responding to your recommendation on translation custom fields into a different language, I found, that it is applicable only for :

- Customer portal

- Website

Will it be available for the widget as well? 


Yes, they will be. 



Hi FreshDesk
Please enable this on our account


Hi Corey,

The help widget is now available in your account.

@Shankar Ganesh
Thank you for the speedy response.

HI @Shankar Ganesh

I can only see the "General" and "Embed code" tabs. I have done a hard refresh (suggested solution for another user a week ago), however this hasn't worked (see screenshot).


Sorry Corey - fixed it now. Can you try again?

Fixed. Awesome, thanks Shankar

We'd love to try this. Please enable for

Hi Matt, this is done. Try out the widget and let me know what you think :)