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Hi everyone,

We’re super excited to launch a new version (beta) of the feedback widget this week. With the new help widget, you can:

  • Embed a branded contact form on your website or product.
  • Show solution articles wherever your users are.
  • Optimize for deflection, by guiding users to solution articles before they reach out to you.

And that’s not all. Beyond just a simple contact form, the new widget can actually help you understand when your customers are frustrated. 

For instance, if a button on your site isn’t working, and a customer is clicking on it many times hoping it’d work, the widget can popup and ask if they need help. We’re also planning to add more signals to determine if customers are frustrated on your website (like, when they scroll up and down a couple of times, clearly looking for something). If you’ve got ideas on more signals we can add, we’d love to know!

Over time, this widget will evolve to support bots, and provide options for you to include other channels (like chat) as well.

If you'd like to give the beta a shot, please leave a comment below. Just so you know, when we enable the beta: 

  • Your existing popup feedback widgets will continue to work, but you'll no longer be able to access the settings for it from Admin. 
  • Your existing embedded feedback widgets will work, and you'll be able to create new embedded widgets from a renamed section in Admin called Feedback form.



please activate this feature on my account:

Thank you. 


Hi Mikko,

Can you do a hard refresh and try now? I think I got your account URL wrong last time - sorry about that.

Hi Dinko,


Got it, thanks Shankar!

Hi. Can you activate new widget on my account

Thank you.


Could we have this added to

Thank you!

Hi Sergey, the feature is already available in your account. You can play with it from Admin > Widgets.

Hi Shana, it's done!

Please activate on my account as well -

Thanks, JP

Hi JP,

It's done!

Hi Shankar! Thanks for the detailed information provided. 

My question is, how I can determine the top 3 articles for Help Widget? According to views number? What if I want to place 1 article in the top to make it visible for everyone? Do you have plans to add such an option in articles settings? We really need this. Otherwise, the current top 3 articles would be there forever, because usually, people are not searching. What do you think about this? 

Can you provide an example of how the prefill API is to be used for Name and email and Subject based on the page which the user is on?

Hi Shankar, 

I also get a Zone.js issue on my Angular 8 App. Someone else asked this before, it looks like you solved this in private mails.

When i put in the embeded code in my index.html i get this error: "Zone.js has detected that ZoneAwarePromise `(window|global).Promise` has been overwritten."

Can you maybe help me to find a solution? The old widget is working by the way.

Ative isso em meu portal, por favor

Hi Deepak,

Let's say that, in your web application, you store the currently logged in user's name in the variable username and their email address in the variable currentemail. To prefill details like name and email, you'll have to use the identify API, like you see in the sample code below. 

<script type='text/javascript'>

FreshworksWidget('identify', 'ticketForm', {

  name: username,

  email: currentemail,



You can inject this code on any web page. When the help widget is opened on any page where this code is present, the form would be prefilled with the username and email of the currently logged-in user. Depending upon the framework or language you're using in your web app, and your environment, the way a variable might be defined might be different. You'll have to dig a bit on that. 

To prefill the subject, you can use the prefill API in a similar way.

<script type='text/javascript'>

FreshworksWidget('prefill', 'ticketForm', {

  subject: 'insert your subject here',



On every page, you can pass a different subject to the prefill API.

Hi Vladimir,

The articles shown in the help widget have the most number of views in your knowledge base. If you've associated three categories - A, B and C with the help widget, we'll show the most viewed articles from across these three categories.

We do plan to allow you to customize the suggestions on certain pages. For example, you can say show articles 1, 2, 3 on

Hi Daniel,

Just reached out to you over email to troubleshoot the problem. 

Hi Rafaela,

The feature is already available in your account. You can try it from Admin > Widgets. Please hard refresh your Admin page if you don't see it (CMD+R on Mac, Ctrl+click refresh button on Windows).

If you still don't see it after a hard-refresh, please share your Freshdesk URL. 

Hi Shankar! 

Thanks for the information provided. 

I am true fan of your team. Honestly. Now, the main question is WHEN it's gonna happen? 1 month, 2 months, 6 months? Approximately? 

Have a good one!

Realistically, eight months at least, Vladimir :)

I am sure this question has been answered in the thread, but this is a lot of tabs. 

Can this be embedded within a native app?


Hi Shana, if the app supports JavaScript, yes! 

Hello everyone,

We’re doing a 30-minute webinar on November 7th to demo the help widget. We’ll show you how you can brand it to look like it’s a part of your website, and how you can use it to guide your customers to search through your knowledge base first before they reach out to you. Apart from that, we'll also demo some advanced features: multilingual support, the ability to pre-populate and hide ticket fields, etc. 

Click here to register for the webinar - you definitely wouldn’t want to miss this :)



Has anyone managed to setup the widget in an Angular 2 project?  At first it worked really well.  But later I noticed that the widget seems to break any navigation if using routerLink. With the widget added if I visit a page/component using routerLink then I get an error message "Navigation triggered outside Angular zone, did you forget to call ''?".  Without the widget this doesn't happen.

The app mostly lazy loaded, I even loaded the widget embed script after the application is loaded.  I also tried change detect using ChangeDetectorRef, but nothing seems to resolve it.  The new widget is a massive improvement and works so well.  Is this something anyone encounted and resolved?


Hi Siva,

Reaching out over email to troubleshoot this. 


Hi everyone, 

I have some great news. We just released three new updates to the help widget.

1) Your customers can now click a button to take a screenshot when they submit a ticket via the help widget. You can enable this from Admin > Widgets > Contact form section.

2) You can now use the new hide API to hide the widget by default when it's embedded. 

You can then use the show API to show the widget on certain pages. 

Or use the open API to open the widget when someone clicks on a link on your website, like 'Contact us'.


3) You can now remove the 'Powered by Freshworks' branding in the widget if you're on a paid plan. With these features, I believe the help widget is on par with the existing popup feedback widget. 


Hi Shankar! 


I've tryed screenshot functionality and found that system made it, but in a quite interesting way. Could you check the file attached, please? Let me know your opinion. 
